Wine Tasting – What difference does an abv make?
February 20 at 7:00 pm
Catherine last visited us in March last year and gave a fascinating insight into new versus old world wine, or traditional versus trendy. She is an inspiring and energetic speaker who certainly knows her stuff.
This time she is going to be talking about the alcohol by volume (abv) in wine. It is a very hot topic at the moment as the amount of duty on alcohol is now affected by the abv, so that impacts the cost to us consumers. Consequently a full bodied red is going to cost significantly more than a light white.
We will be tasting eight different wines with different abvs, to see how/if the alcohol content makes a difference to the structure – and the enjoyment!!
The basic cost of the wine tasting is £16.00 with an option of enjoying a selection of cheese and biscuits for a £9.00.
Book Here