Walk – Budock Water to Maenporth
November 3, 2024 at 10:00 am
In October walkers were rained off for the first club walk of the season. So, November’s walk will be another attempt at the same walk. Very kindly Anne Thomas will be in the lead, but Rachel will be there too, probably at the rear!
Calling all walkers for the first Sunday walk, starting at 10am. The walk is to be circular, starting at Budock Water, going to Maenporth and back again, about 3 ½ miles.
If you are a new member or just not walked before with the Club, please come along. Sensiblefootwear is a must, (in view of all the wet weather we have had) and well-behaved dogs are welcome. Walks are a great opportunity to meet other members and socialise, whilst taking in the countryside, where you may have not visited before. Walks usually last for a couple of hours, and if you choose there is a Sunday Roast back at the club, at about 1pm, where generally we sit together and continue the socialising! If you wish to break off after the walk, with no lunch, or if you just wish to have the lunch that is fine too!
If you are interested in joining us please do the following:
Let Rachel Tranter know you are coming – Mobile 07713828755 racheltrant14btopenworld.com or WhatsApp
Book your meal directly with RCYC – 01326 311105 / 07942 389920
Meeting at: what3words – looks.cape.dice
Route: It is best to approach from Trescobeas Road, onto Bickland Water Road, turn right up Bickland Hill (just past Football ground) and drive straight through Budock Water. Just beyond the 40 mph sign on Trewen Road, turn left in to Roscarrack Road. The meeting point is about 600 yards on right. Go past cul de sac Kargel Gardens. The road is quite narrow but there is lots of parking on the left-hand side, so drive as far as you can before the meeting point! Parking is also available in Kargel Gardens.