About club racing


Club racing

Club racing is held on Friday evenings. For details & online entry form please look at the current season pages. Join the “RCYC Racing” WhatsApp group where information about club racing and the evening’s courses will be posted.

Sailing Suppers, Friday Race Nights

The “RCYC Catering” WhatsApp group will have the Race Night Menu posted each week, and may be used to book. Join the group with link below.




As one of the PoFSA Clubs, the RCYC is involved with the other clubs in organising Falmouth Sailing Week and occasional other events.

Crewing Opportunities

Link up with ‘RCYC Crewing Opportunities’ on the WhatsApp Group. Skippers can let the group know they have places for crew to join them and potential crew can let it be known they are available. Give a bit of information about yourself.
